
Daisy Reyes set to perform at ‘Shine Philippines’ concert
March 15, 2010, 7:17pm

Daisy Reyes and Bishop Ricardo Sio

Beauty queen, singer and actress Daisy Reyes will be one of the special guests at the “Shine Philippines” concert to be held at the Cuneta Astrodome on April 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Other people who will perform or give a talk or minister at the concert are Gov. Raffy Nantes, Dr. John Solomon, Jahdiel, Atty. Jose Villanueva, Bishop Tony Marioghae, and Bishop Ricardo Sio.

In an interview, Bishop Sio, the Regional Director of TEAM Ministries Philippines, said that Daisy Reyes is just one of many celebrities who have been supporting their church.

Known as the “Prosperity Preacher,” the evangelist espouses that divine prosperity comes when people make the right connections, lead the right lifestyle and cultivate the right relationships.

“But teaching people how to ask and get blessings from God is not our main goal. Rather, we want to evangelize the whole Philippines and to empower the united body of Christ. Doing so is the only way for the country to achieve genuine revival,” he said.

Sio, the CEO of the Sioland chain of supermarkets across the country, was introduced to the Lord by his wife at a low point in his life despite financial successes. He became involved in the Body of Christ in 1991.

However, it was in November 2005 at the prayer mountain in Candelaria, Quezon that Sio met his mentor, Bishop Tony Marioghae, who enjoined him to crusade for TEAM Ministries. Within a year, Sio won over thousands of members under 70 pastors and he helped establish 35 churches.

“I want to take each Filipino to his spiritual awakening. To enjoy life with Christ. I’m asking the Lord for laborers in the harvest field,” he said.

Asked for more tips he could share with people who want to attract blessings in their lives, Sio turned serious and said, “You have to carry the cross because the wealth is on the cross. And from it flows the wealth of life.

“You are not worthy of wealth if you cannot follow the Wealth of Life Himself.”

Sio’s faithfulness to God’s word has been tested several times---including when his mother passed away.

“I had to decide whether I should attend to her or pursue my schedule for the day, which was a preaching commitment out of town. I had to prioritize thousands of elderly waiting for salvation. The Holy Spirit prodded me to push through with my schedule as planned. After all, Matthew 8:22 says, ‘But Jesus said to him, follow me and let the dead burty their dead,’” said he who regularly appears as a guest on the 700 Club.

Sio believes many people remain in poverty due to satanic curses that they inherited from their ancestors or they brought upon themselves because of the wrong mindset.

“Many of us are taught to be subservient early in life. For many Filipinos, the ultimate dream is to become employees in a good corporation instead of, say, starting one’s own business.

“Of course, starting a business is not for everyone but my point is, until we uproot the negative values in the lives of men and replace them with positive and productive morals, few blessings will pour in,” he said.

The theme of the forthcoming ministry concert at Cuneta Astrodome is “Supernatural Harvest.” It is TEAM Ministries International’s 4th anniversary event. The pastors of the church have gone on evangelical missions to India, Singapore, Nigeria and Hong Kong.

Bishop Tony Marioghae is co-author of the book titled "Think Abundance, Learn The Secret and Achieve Big Things."



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